About Me

Photography has been a part of my life since grade school. I started with a Brownie Starlet which shot in square format on 127 roll film. Today I shoot using Canon digital equipment, but I am proud to say that I bring years of experience using a film-based workflow to my current work. I think it makes a difference.
During my early years in Ottawa, Canada, I trained with photographers like Jon Joosten and William Fleisher. Professionally, I did considerable editorial work for the University of Ottawa, under the Director of Public Relations, Bill Boss. I later served as Photo Editor for Enterpriser Magazine.
As a freelancer, my clients included American Express, Ogilvies department store as well as public relations work for several local hotels. My background in science and technical writing put me in good stead to do a little forensic (insurance) work.
With the advent of the internet, I drew on my programming experience to develop websites. From the early days of hand-coded HTML pages, I have watched the growth of online systems to remote applications that exceed all the early projections. Working in a LAMP environment today, I am a past contributor to the Drupal CMS and have experience with WordPress, with a particular interest in showcasing images.
As an active member of the Professional Photographers of Canada, I have been accredited for my expertise in Commercial Photography, Real Estate Photography, and Food Photography, among others. I have also earned my CPP designation (Certified Professional Photographer) through the Professional Photographers of America.
Aerial photography is provided using various drones, operated under an Advanced RPAS Certificate, and insured with the same aeronautical policy required for piloted aircraft.
Follow my current work on Facebook, Instagram, and on Youtube.