Real Estate Stills
Sq Ft | Approximate number of images | Rate | Maximum time allotted |
1500 | 20 | $175.00 | 2 hours |
2500 | 30 | $285.00 | 3 hours |
4000 | 40 | $400.00 | 4 hours |
Other Charges
Multiple-day shoots and time overages: Estimated maximum times (above) if exceeded, will result in additional time charges at the rate of $100/hour. Interrupted shoots, requiring a return to the site to finish shooting, will carry an additional charge of $75.00 per interruption.
Canceled shoot: $75.00 + travel
Virtual Staging for empty rooms: $45.00 per image.
Virtual Decluttering: $25.00 per image – necessary for virtual staging if the room is not empty.